Drum lessons for Autistic kids
Drums are an Exceptional tool for helping the Autistic especially Autistic Kids
Drums are an Exceptional tool for helping the Autistic especially Autistic Kids
One of the most magical things we have in life is Music! for kids music is an essential part of their emotional and social development! Drum lessons for kids also is great way to boost the way they gain knowledge for development of math skills, thinking on multiple levels, using logical thinking and coordination with all limbs!
Music in all of all aspects and instruments play such an important role in our lives and culture.
music is present in many aspects of our lives: theater, television, movies, worship, holidays, celebrations, and government and military ceremonies. At home, music can become part of our family’s daily routine… a natural part of our way we enjoy our experiences.
Music is so much more for the mind then what we might think!
Here is a cool video on learning dotted eighth note drum beats
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Here is a video that demonstrates how to play quarter note beats.
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In this video we are going to talk about the basics of drumming and music theory.
Download PDF version How To Learn 3 Months Worth of Lessons in 1 Hour
Out of all the modern day instruments, none has a longer history than the drum. Drums are found throughout the world, in practically every culture, and are known to have existed since at least 6000 BC. Almost everywhere they have strong ceremonial, sacred, or symbolic associations. In much of Africa, certain drums symbolize and protect tribal royalty and are often housed in sacred dwellings. In fact you can say the drum was actually the first form of telephone. Tribes, with use of the drum would communicate with other tribes often miles away.